Views on the Prospects of Iraq’s Oil and Gas Resources, By Munir Chalabi *

Download Iraq has proven oil reserves of 118 billion barrels and this could be increased by up to 235 billion barrels. Iraq also has 78 trillion standard cubic feet of gas reserves which could also be increased by up to 110 trillion standard cubic feet through enhanced recovery and exploration. The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih stated that new exploration showed tha

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Iraqi Oil: Transparency and Corruption, By Munir Chalabi

Download PDF On June 11, 2011, the Los Angeles Times reported that at least $6.6 billion out of the $12 billion of Iraq's money from the United Nations' oil-for-food program was very likely stolen, stating, "For the first time, federal auditors are suggesting that some or all of the cash may have been stolen, not just mislaid in an accounting error. Stuart Bowen, special inspe

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