Iraqi Economists Network

شبكة الاقتصاديين العراقيين

Iraq Economic Forum 2013 - Beirut


Minimum registration fees: 350 USD, for members of the IEN 250 USD as contribution  to cover following cost:

Transportation from Airport to Hotel Holiday Inn Dunes

Dinner reception on  arrival day (29.3.2013 ) in the restaurant of Hotel Holiday Inn Dunes

Diner reception on first day (30.3.2013)

Lunch for two days during the Forum as well as coffee and beverage

Rental cost for the conference room

Sponsorship and additional donations to the registration fees are welcome

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Registration Fee for non members ($ 350.00): Registration Fee for members of IEN ($ 250.00):

For accomodation please contact:  HI Dunes Reservations , e-mail:

and ask for special coorporate rate arrangend  for IEN group meeting

Special rate for our participants:

  • USD 80 + 10% VAT per Single room per night, USD 90 + 10% VAT per Double room per night. The mentioned rates are on Bed and Breakfast basis.

  •  Free High Speed – Unlimited Internet Access in guestrooms


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