Iraqi Economists Network

شبكة الاقتصاديين العراقيين

Iraq Economic Forum 2013 - BeirutIraq Economic Forum 2013 Beirut - Speaker and PanalistsThe Iraqi National Economy

Public Financial Management and its Impact on the Development of Iraq, By Dr. Jasim Al-Ali *


1.Oil sector tend to be relatively deficient in the spread effects associated with production and consumption linkages.

2.In examining linkages in the petroleum sector, the conclusion is that in an export orientated economy, financial linkages are by far the most important medium to induce other sector development.

3.The difference between production and consumption linkages on one hand and fiscal linkages on the other is vital to the understanding of the unique problem that exists in this sector.

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*) Senior expert in public sector financial management. The paper was submitted to the Iraq Economic Forum 2013 in Beirut, 30th. of March-1st. of April 2013 

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