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Iraq Prime Minister Press Conference

Iraqi PM press conference

PM Haider Al-Abadi Addressed some vital issues in his weekly press conference on Tuesday. 

He renewed his objection to the unauthorized air strikes conducted by Turkish Air Force in Sinjar (West of Mosul), which led to more than 20 casualties, including 5 members of the Kurdish Peshmerga. 

He also gave important information on the release of Qatari and other hostages who were abducted while on a hunting trip in Iraq.  He said the Iraqi government inspected the Qatari plane that was sent to Baghdad to pick up the hostages and found “many millions of dollars” in cash, brought to Iraq without proper notification to the Iraqi government.  PM Abadi said, although this is Qatari money, Iraqi will have to follow proper laws and procedures before releasing the money back to Qatar. 

PM Minister Abadi also commented on the proposed referendum on Kurdish independence and said that it is an issue for all Iraq to decide on and it cannot be done unilaterally by the Kurds, or one Kurdish faction..

Source: IraqStream, Newsletter from Abbas Kadhim, No. 1, Wednesday, 26 April 2017

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