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Why Canada has a major role to play in rebuilding Iraq. By Sally Armstrong

Duhok Feb. 15, 2017 Camp Kabarto hosts 5,000 families from the region of Shingal, which was under siege by ISIS in August 2014, leading to one of the biggest humanitarian crises’ in Iraq that year. The camp’s population is predominantly of the Yazidi sect, but there are also Kurdish Muslims and Assyrian Christians from Sinjar.. Peter Bregg©
Duhok Feb. 15, 2017 Camp Kabarto hosts 5,000 families from the region of Shingal, which was under siege by ISIS in August 2014, leading to one of the biggest humanitarian crises’ in Iraq that year. The camp’s population is predominantly of the Yazidi sect, but there are also Kurdish Muslims and Assyrian Christians from Sinjar..
Peter Bregg©

In Iraq, Canada has taken the lead in getting the lights on, the water running and the children back in school—’These kids need to believe in their future’

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Why Canada has a major role to play in rebuilding Iraq. By Sally Armstrong



Comments (1)

  1. Avatar

    I would also like to highlight and show a little gratitude towards the plethora of International organisations currently embedded within Baghdad’s IZ; including Iraq-Kurdistan. All of whom have been committed to the development of Iraq since the inception; and in particular, the Japanese government (JICA), who have been investing in Iraq’s development, since 2009.

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