Abstract The bulk of revenue that is generated in the Iraqi Economy is from oil export. The oil sector is an enclave sector with very little interaction with other areas of the economy. Government Budgeting is the only medium by which development in the oil sector can be used to promote other areas of the economy. This demands a greater emphasis of the role of budgeting, as an
Read More*) Oil counsltant and former DG of South Oil Co. in Iraq Please dowonload the document as PDF file
Read MoreIntroduction 1.Oil sector tend to be relatively deficient in the spread effects associated with production and consumption linkages. 2.In examining linkages in the petroleum sector, the conclusion is that in an export orientated economy, financial linkages are by far the most important medium to induce other sector development. 3.The difference between production and consumptio
Read MoreDownload 1.0 Background In May 2006, following the initiation of Dr Maliki’s cabinet of national unity and the appointment of Dr Hussain Shehristani to the portfolio of the Ministry of Oil (MoO), I was approached with the task of drafting the Iraq petroleum law. Two associates Iraqi oil technocrats and I, who have then had a combined international oil industry expe
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