The Rise and Fall of Kurdish Power in Iraq. By Bilal Wahab*

If the 1991 Gulf War led to the birth of the Kurdistan Regional Government, the US invasion in 2003 propelled it into the future.   At the start of the invasion, Iraqi Kurdistan served as the northern front of the war, elevating the status of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The destruction of President Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime buttressed Kurdish righ

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Attacks on major Iraqi gasfield drive out U.S. contractors

Exterran Corp workers leave after more rocket attacks Plan to expand output from Khor Mor gasfield on hold Kurdish region heavily dependent on oil and gas revenues ERBIL, Aug 30 (Reuters) - A series of rocket attacks on a gasfield in northern Iraq has sent the U.S. contractors working on its expansion packing, dealing a blow to the Kurdish region's hopes of boostin

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