Political Reform Before Referendum and Independence

Aras Fatah Aras Fatah is a writer and intellectual. Mariwan Kanie Mariwan Kanie is a writer and university professor. Asos Hardi Asos Hardi is a writer and journalist. Khaled Sulaiman Khaled Sulaiman is a writer and journalist based in Canada and originally from Kurdistan, Iraq.   Since the decision to hold a referendum on the future of Iraqi Kurdistan, there has been a

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International pressure has raised the stakes of the planned referendum, but the Kurds have made their case even if the vote is canceled. Nearly every major regional and international player stands against the independence referendum that the Kurdistan Regional Government has planned for September 25. In Washington, the White House issued a statement on September 15 asking th

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Iraq’s Kurds in economic crisis ahead of independence vote

BAGHDAD: A referendum on independence for Iraqi Kurdistan set for September 25 comes as the autonomous region faces the worst economic crisis in its short history. Plunging government income, the challenge of fighting the Daesh group and the cost of hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees have combined to punch a gaping hole in the Kurdistan Regional Government’s budget.

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