INTRODUCTION This report summarizes key findings and recommendations from a remote technical assistance (TA) assignment performed by a short-term expert (STX), Mr. Djamel Bouhabel, from January 17 to February 4, 2021, to the General Customs Authority of Iraq (GCA). The main objective of the TA was to advise GCA on the development and effective application of customs assess
Read MoreTotal value of two-way trade between the UAE and Iraq stood at nearly Dh26 billion ($7 billion) in 2016, making Iraq one of the key export markets for UAE, with re-exports accounting for Dh12.3 billion of the total value of trade, said the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry. UAE and Iraq maintain robust economic and trade relations as Iraq remains one of the
Read MoreThe Iraqi government is warning that a pair of pending deals with General Electric could be at risk from President Donald Trump's travel ban, according to internal State Department documents. The industrial conglomerate, which builds everything from nuclear reactors to aircraft engines, already has sizable interests in Iraq, including power contracts worth more than a billio
Read MoreThe rise of the Islamic State has created both challenges and opportunities for Iranian trade networks in Iraq. The rise of the Islamic State (IS) and its expansion in Iraqi territory has threatened trade routes between Iran and Iraq, which have thrived over the past decade because Iraqi markets remained mostly open at a time when sanctions closed off other potential
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