Republic of Iraq: Private Sector Development Strategy 2014-2030

Vision Statement “Developing a viable and thriving national private sector, that is regionally competitive and globally integrated, led by the business community, which contributes to economic diversification, sustainable development and job creation.” TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ....................................................................................................

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How Iraq’s black market in oil funds ISIS. By Luay al-Khatteeb *,

London (CNN) -- Luay al-Khatteeb spoke to CNN about the impact of ISIS' march through northern Iraq, and the militant group's control of some oil fields. He explained how they used the oil fields to raise funds, and how it could impact global prices. This is an edited version of the conversation. How much of Iraq's oil market do ISIS control? ISIS control just a few marginal

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Major Features of the Recent Revisions, introduced in the UN 1993 System of National Accounts, (UN 1993 SNA). By Dr. Kamil Al-Adhadh*

Download PDF A Prelude Two years ago, this author presented at the first Arab Statistical Conference which was held in Amman of Jordan, a paper, (in Arabic), (1), describing critically the UN 1993 System of National Accounts, (1993 SNA), and highlighting the ongoing revision of some of its concepts and some of its methodologies to estimate and account for certain activities a

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