Executive Summary
Objectives In an effort to gain a preliminary understanding of the current labor market conditions in East Mosul in the aftermath of the military operation to retake the city from ISIS control, this labor market assessment seeks to provide insights into the market context for the purposes of humanitarian and early recovery response. The goals of the labor market assessment are therefore twofold: first, to identify the most promising business sectors for sustainable income generation, either through formal employment or selfemployment; and second, to understand the livelihoods assets of communities currently residing in East Mosul. Due to limitations in scope, select neighborhoods were identified in an attempt to reach a range of market settings and communities, including internally displaced persons (IDPs) from in and around Mosul, returnees, and individuals who remained in Mosul throughout the conflict.
Key Findings
The findings that emerged across data collection and analysis can be grouped into three main themes: the overall economy or market situation; differential access or constraints to income generating opportunities; and identified needs to support inclusive income generation in Mosul after ISIS. For a more complete description and analysis of each finding, please see the Summary of Key Findings section on page 10.
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