Iraqi Kurds Dealt Setback by U.S. Court Ruling on Oil Sale

Bruce Stanley and Laurel Calkins Sep 22, 2015 10:58 pm ET The U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans dismissed an attempt by the Kurdistan Regional Government to overturn a judge’s earlier decision against its planned sale of oil to an unidentified buyer in the U.S. The KRG’s eventual sale of the disputed cargo in Israel made the appeal moot, the court said in a ruling. The cas

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Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal

Erbil-Baghdad oil relations swing between deal, no deal ERBIL, Iraq — Encouraged by more international interest in purchasing its oil, coupled with the apparent failure of the federal Iraqi government to provide agreed-upon budget handouts, the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has embarked on a new policy of unilateral independent oil sales. Since the b

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