Budget including deficit, KRG deal sent to Parliament

Iraq's Cabinet balanced a collapse in oil revenue while maintaining spending commitments needed to placate key constituents and keep up the fight against the so-called Islamic State (IS) militant group in a draft budget for 2015 that it approved Tuesday. The budget calls for spending of around 123 trillion Iraqi dinars (about $102.5 billion), said Abdul Qadir Omar, a member of

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Senior Iraqi Oil Expert Mr Tariq Shafiq* commenting on the Iraq Finance Minister, Mr Hoshyar Zebari’s statements on the unpublished Agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi National Government

My views and conclusion are summarised below: The KRG will receive: 17% (“Ayad Alawi’s” gift, not the Parliament’s, regardless of their true population percentage) + a payment amounting to 17% of the sovereign expenses which is their legal budget obligation + a payment amounting to the net income of the open unspecified or defined oil production for internal consumption (which

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Baghdad-Erbil deal silent on KRG’s surplus oil. By Mohammed A. Salih *

ERBIL, Iraq — The new oil agreement between Iraq’s federal government and the autonomous Kurdish government in the north appears to have left some room for confusion as to what the Kurds should do with the significant amount of oil that they do not export under Baghdad’s supervision. According to the deal signed on Dec. 2, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) pledges to exp

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Success of Erbil–Baghdad Agreement to be Seen in 2015. By BasNews, Hemin Salih

Kurdistan Region will annually have more than $5 billion if exports reach 450k oil barrel Former Kurdish Parliament Member in Baghdad believes that the agreement between Erbil and Baghdad will enable Kurdistan Region to secure IQD 20 trillion. According to the agreement, between Kurdistan region and Iraqi central government, KRG will sell 250,000 oil barrels per day for the f

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