Iraqi Economists Network

شبكة الاقتصاديين العراقيين

Arab World - MENA Region

The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Jordan, 2006, By Dr. Hashim Al-Ali*

The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Jordan, 2006


An Analytical and Planning Tool for Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction-


By Dr. Hashim Al-Ali *



This Report presents the first Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) compiled for Jordan. This Jordanian Social Accounting Matrix (JOSAM) has been constructed using 2006 Input-Output (I/O) Tables, National Accounts (NA) data, Household Expenditure and Income Survey (HEIS) results, the results of the Employment Survey (ES), Fiscal and Government budgetary and closing accounts data, Monetary data, foreign trade Statistics (FTS), balance of payments (BoPs) statistics, and various other sets of data, that were available and/or collected in the field, on the national economy, and its different segments and variables.

Having used the year 2006 which is considered to be an economically normal year, in addition to the availability of highly disaggregated sectoral and institutional information for the same year resulted in a clear rendering consistency, feasibility and economic viability for the JOSAM.

This being the case, the constructed JOSAM presented in this report, is depicting a complete set of the socio-economic systems that capture the interdependencies and interrelationships of activities, commodities, factors and institutions groups, together with the rest of the world (ROW). The JOSAM in its final shape and contents can be of a valuable support and can be used as a vital tool, to articulate carrying out the desired analyses of various socio-economic planning and policy issues. Instrumental JOSAM applications and its uses would measure, quantify and handle, amongst others, different development scenario alternatives, the socio-economic impact of likely outside shocks and exogenous changes facing the Jordanian economy, presently and/or at the near future, measuring the poverty conditions and impact of poverty reduction strategies and policies. Additionally it can be used as an accurate and comprehensive national data-base for designing, formulating and calibrating a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and other comprehensive integrated macroeconomic and fiscal models for the Jordanian economy.

*) Iraqi Economist and Advisor to International Organisations

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