Kurdish Bond Opens New Front in Autonomy Battle With Baghdad

Kurdish Bond Opens New Front in Autonomy Battle With Baghdad An Iraqi official said the Kurds who govern the north of the country have no right to sell their own bonds, opening a new dispute between the Baghdad government and the breakaway region. The Kurdistan Regional Government says it has hired Goldman Sachs International and Deutsche Bank AG to gauge interest in a sale of

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Kurdistan Picks Goldman, Deutsche Bank for Bond Meetings

The Kurdistan Regional Government, which oversees the semi-autonomous region of northern Iraq, has picked Goldman Sachs International and Deutsche Bank AG for a potential bond sale as it seeks greater independence from Baghdad. The two banks will “organize a series of meetings with international fixed-income investors in London, with a view to a potential transaction in th

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Iraqi oil experts weigh in on KRG-Baghdad deal

  The cooperative oil export and revenue-sharing deal reached by leaders in Baghdad and Erbil on Dec. 2 has been promoted as the last chance to end a decade of acrimony over oil policy. The Cabinet has now embedded its terms into the 2015 draft budget law, which is now being considered by Parliament. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is slated to contribute 250,00

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