Will crashing oil prices mean the collapse of Iraq’s economy? No. Will the Iraqi economy (and people) suffer? Yes, a great deal… By Dr Amer K. Hirmis *

Introduction Since the crash in Iraqi oil prices from US$61.0 (per barrel) at the end of January 2020 to US$20.7 by mid-April 2020, a crisis compounded by the spread of COVID-19 virus, political vacuum, failed ethno-sectarian polity, to mention but a few, the country has been grappling with quasi-existentialist questions?   First, can/should Iraq as a country and

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The Road to Economic Recovery in Iraq. – By Adam Abuelheiga

SEATTLE, Washington — Iraq has been facing some extremely difficult times for nearly two decades now. Despite the success in ending the reign of Saddam Hussein, many people view the Iraq War as having been ineffective and ultimately causing more harm than good. While the reign of ISIS in the country has ended, there is still a long way to go on the journey to economic recovery

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Economic growth, abrupt institutional changes and institutional policies: The case of an oil-exporting country. By OMAR A.M. EL-JOUMAYLE *

ABSTRACT This article deals with economic growth in Iraq when formal institutions are subject to abrupt institutional change. The article follows a quantitative mode of enquiry to determine the impacts of institutional changes on economic performance. I built an expanded and updated version of Rowat’s model for the Iraq war of 2003. Thus, I estimate the effects of oil price,

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