Iraq’s Rule of Law. By Luay Al-Khateeb and Omar Al-Saadoon

Iraq's rule of law Introduction The underlying concept of the Rule of Law is not new to Iraq. Hammurabi's world famous Code of Law which dates back to 1772 BC is regarded as one of the world's first codified constitution with the remarkable feature of laws taking primacy over the authority of the ruler. Back to the present, Iraq ratified a new Constitution in 200

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Iraqis say ISIL’s impact on Baghdad food prices is even worse than its car bombs

Iraqis say ISIL’s impact on Baghdad food prices is even worse than its car bombs BAGHDAD—Four years after US troops pulled out of the Iraqi capital, local merchants are once more cursing America. “Look at these prices,” Abu Mustafa said, as he gestured at the mounds of fruits and vegetables around his stall at Karrada market. “Look what the dollar has done to them. Who can

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Iraq Energy Outlook

This report examines the energy outlook for Iraq, the way in which energy can contribute to the country’s much-needed social and economic development over the coming decades and the way in which Iraq’s energy can affect global oil and gas markets. Chapter 1 sets the scene with an analysis of Iraq’s energy sector today and the role that it plays in the national economy, supporte

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IMF staff concludes the 2015 Article IV Mission for Iraq

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Carlo Sdralevich visited Amman from March 6–15 to conduct the 2015 Article IV Consultation discussions with the Iraqi authorities. At the conclusion of the visit, Mr. Sdralevich issued a statement. “The Iraqi authorities are taking proactive steps to address the double shock of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) insur

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