World Bank: COVID-19 and Low Oil Prices Push Millions of Iraqis into Poverty

New World Bank report calls for urgent fiscal stimulus and economic reforms to help the poor and the most vulnerable in Iraq. Baghdad, November 11, 2020 – The twin shocks of COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of oil prices have caused significant economic challenges and pushed millions of Iraqis into poverty, according to the new issue of the World Bank’s Iraq Economic Monit

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Iraq’s Ministry of Planning: Iraq Visio 2030

Introduction by the Chairman of the Authors and Technical Committee Iraq seeks to preserve its cultural significance and keep up the world’s progress through hard work to build a better future. The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 is the starting point of the Iraq vision implementation. All of that requires real efforts to achieve Iraq’s dream in restoring its great his

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Iraq’s Investment Deficit and Underfunded Infrastructure. By Mohammed Hussein

In his recent article “Iraq’s Government Investments: Between Ambitions and Stumbling,” Dr. Mudhr Mohammed Salih, former Deputy Governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and financial adviser of the Iraqi Government, fairly described the political and administrative dynamics that prevent investment in infrastructure; basically showing how endemic corruption, institutional limitations,

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